What to Prepare for a Virtual Interview - Jobslot

Interview TipsWhat to Prepare for a Virtual Interview

What to Prepare for a Virtual Interview

It’s easy to overlook the importance of a preliminary interview. Like many other employers, your first-round interview with us is over the phone. Maximize your impression on one of our recruiters with these tips to move forward to the next step of the process:


Phone interviews are shorter, but you still need to prepare effectively.

  • We use a behavior-based interviewing model. You’ll be asked approximately two behavior-based questions during the phone interview in addition to some questions addressing the experience listed on your résumé.
  • Have your résumé in front of you to refer to throughout the call.
  • Think through experiences you’ve had, including leadership opportunities and/or extracurricular activities.

Do your research!

Your time with the recruiter is your chance to make a first impression, so make sure it’s a positive one.

  • Understand well the job you applied to and why you’re pursuing the opportunity.
  • Take your time to learn more about us as a company. Take advantage of information available on our careers website and other Nestlé websites.
  • Brainstorm questions to ask the recruiter at the conclusion of the interview. This demonstrates knowledge you’ve acquired and genuine interest in our organization and the role.

Think about your environment.

Cell phones allow you to conduct your interview anywhere. Consider your location ahead of time.

  • Avoid noisy locations like coffee shops and restaurants. If you choose to interview in a public place, you risk having background noise and other distractions interrupt your call.
  • Test your signal strength. Different phones and providers vary in their ability to transmit quality signals. Make sure the location you plan to use won’t cause you to drop a call. “Can you hear me now?” isn’t a fun question to toss back and forth.
  • Be comfortable, but not too comfortable. Your posture, facial expressions, and attire can strongly influence how you sound over the phone. Do what makes you feel confident and professional, even if that means wearing a suit at home.

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